How To Hire A Great Product Designer In 2024

Visulry Team
Design Foundations
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This article explores the responsibilities, qualities and benefits of hiring a product designer, as well as the decision between hiring a full-time designer or a freelancer.

It also provides insights into where to find talented product designers and the deliverables one should expect from them, and the cost and time considerations involved in product design.

Whether you are a business owner looking to enhance your product or an individual interested in pursuing a career in product design, this article will provide valuable information and guidance.

What Is a Product Designer?

A product designer is a professional who specializes in the process of designing products. They utilize their design knowledge to create functional and intuitive user experiences. Product designers analyze data collected from the target market to identify relevant issues and consider the business value of a project. They validate assumptions and refine solutions through user testing.

Product design involves a diverse range of disciplines that go beyond just enhancing the visual appeal of a digital product. It requires skills in graphic design, visual design, interaction design, information architecture, branding, business strategy, prototyping, data analysis, user research and sometimes coding. Successful product design achieves a harmonious blend of aesthetics and functionality, captivating users while also meeting the intended objectives.

Why Should You Hire a Product Designer?

Hiring a product designer is essential for businesses that want to create successful and user-centric products.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider bringing a product designer on board.

User-Centered Approach

Product designers prioritize the needs and preferences of users, ensuring that the final product provides a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Problem Solving

Product designers excel in identifying and solving complex problems, helping your business overcome challenges and deliver innovative solutions.

Increased Market Competitiveness

A well-designed product sets your business apart from competitors, attracting and retaining customers who value exceptional user experiences.

Improved ROI

Investing in product design early on can save you time, resources and money in the long run. A well-designed product is more likely to succeed in the market and generate higher returns on investment.

What Are The Responsibilities of a Product Designer?

Product designers have a wide range of responsibilities throughout the product development process.

Some key responsibilities include the following.

Research and Analysis

Product designers conduct user research, market analysis and competitor research to gain insights and inform their design decisions.

Ideation and Conceptualization

They generate ideas and concepts for the product, considering user needs, business goals and technological constraints.

Wireframing and Prototyping

Product designers create wireframes and prototypes to visualize and test their design concepts, ensuring they meet user requirements and expectations.

Collaboration and Communication

They collaborate with cross-functional teams, including developers, marketers and stakeholders, to ensure a cohesive and successful product development process.

User Testing and Iteration

Product designers conduct user testing and gather feedback to refine and improve the product design iteratively.

Design Implementation

They work closely with developers to ensure the design is implemented accurately and effectively in the final product.

What Should You Look For In a Good Product Designer?

When hiring a product designer, there are several qualities and skills you should look for.

Design Thinking

A good product designer should have a strong understanding of design thinking principles and methodologies, allowing them to approach problems creatively and strategically.

User-Centric Mindset

Look for a designer who puts user needs and preferences at the forefront of their design process, ensuring the final product meets the expectations and goals of the target audience.

Strong Communication Skills

Product designers need to effectively communicate their ideas, collaborate with cross-functional teams and present their design solutions to stakeholders.

Technical Proficiency

While not all product designers need to code, having a basic understanding of front-end development and design tools can facilitate collaboration with developers and streamline the design implementation process.

Portfolio and Experience

Review the candidate's portfolio and assess their experience in relevant industries and projects. Look for evidence of successful design solutions, user research and collaboration with cross-functional teams.

By considering these factors, you can find a product designer who possesses the necessary skills and qualities to drive the success of your product design efforts.

Is It Better To Hire a Dedicated Full-Time Product Designer or a Freelancer?

When it comes to hiring a product designer, one important decision you need to make is whether to hire a dedicated full-time designer or a freelancer. Both options have their pros and cons and it depends on your specific needs and circumstances.

Full-Time Product Designer

A full-time designer can focus exclusively on your projects, working closely with your team to understand your vision and consistently work on whatever you need help with. Working with a full-time designer facilitates seamless collaboration, as they are easily accessible and readily available for feedback and revisions.

Freelance Product Designer

Hiring a freelancer can provide a business with flexibility and cost savings. Freelancers bring a diverse range of skills and experiences to projects, offering fresh perspectives. They are typically more affordable compared to hiring a full-time designer, as you only pay for the specific work they complete. Freelancers are particularly suitable for one-off projects or when there are budget constraints.

The decision between hiring a full-time designer or a freelancer depends on your specific needs, budget and the nature of your projects. It's important to carefully evaluate your options and consider factors such as project scope, timeline and long-term goals. By weighing the pros and cons of each option, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business objectives and maximizes the potential for success.

Where Can You Find a Product Designer?

When it comes to finding a product designer, there are several options you can explore.

Here are some of the best places to look for talented product designers.

Online Freelance Platforms

Websites like Toptal, Upwork and Freelancer offer a wide range of product designers for hire. These platforms allow you to post your project requirements and receive bids from designers all over the world. You can review their portfolios, ratings and reviews to find the right fit for your project.

Design Communities and Portfolio Platforms

Platforms like Dribbble and Behance are popular among designers to showcase their work and connect with potential employers. These platforms allow you to browse through portfolios, view design samples and directly contact designers for collaboration.

Industry Events and Networking

Attending design conferences, meetups and industry events can be a great way to meet talented product designers in person. Networking with experts in the field can help you build relationships and find designers who align with your project requirements.

Referrals and Recommendations

Reach out to your professional network, colleagues and friends who have worked with product designers in the past. They may be able to provide valuable recommendations or introduce you to designers who have proven track records.

When searching for a product designer, it's important to consider their experience, skills and portfolio. Look for designers who have a strong understanding of user experience (UX), user interface (UI) and information architecture. It is also important to consider their ability to collaborate, problem-solve and adapt to different design processes.

Finding the right product designer for your project may require time and effort. Utilize the various platforms and resources available to ensure you discover a skilled professional who can bring your vision to life.

How Much Does It Cost To Design a Product?

The cost of designing a product can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the product, the scope of the project, the level of expertise required and where the design team is based. It is important for businesses to carefully consider their budget and the value that good design can bring to their product.

Product design costs can be divided into several parts, such as research, concept development, prototyping, testing and final design. Each of these components can have a different cost and the total cost of product design will depend on the time and resources required for each step.

For startups, the cost of product design can be a significant investment. However, investing in good product design can help with attracting customers, increase the perceived value of the product and drive sales. Startups have the option to work with freelance designers or design agencies and the cost will vary depending on the experience and location of the design team.

The cost of product design can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars or more, depending on the complexity of the product and the scope of the project. It is recommended for businesses to do careful research and consider their budget when they are going to do product design.

Factors that can affect the cost of product design include the size of the project, the complexity of the project, the product's logic and custom features, the technical features required and the number of features desired for the product.

When considering the cost of product design, it is important to choose the right model of cooperation. The fixed price model involves a project being priced at a fixed amount, or billing the client for the actual time spent working on the project is another option. Each model has its advantages and disadvantages, and businesses should choose the one that best suits their needs.

What Are The Deliverables You Should Get From a Product Designer?

When hiring a product designer, it is important to have a clear understanding of the deliverables you should expect from them. These deliverables are the tangible outcomes of their work and significantly contribute to the success of your product.

Here are some key deliverables you should look for from a product designer.

User Research Findings

A product designer should provide you with comprehensive user research findings. This includes insights into user needs, motivations and behaviors. The research findings will help inform the design process and ensure that the product meets the needs of your target audience.

Wireframes and Prototypes

Wireframes are essential in the design process as they outline the structure and layout of your product, showcasing its flow and functionality. Prototypes further enhance the design by allowing you to interact with it and test its usability. When searching for a product designer, it is important to find someone who can provide both low and high-fidelity prototypes, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the product's appearance and functionality.

Design System and Style Guide

A design system or style guide is a set of guidelines that ensure consistency in the design of your product. It includes components, typography, colors and other design elements that developers can refer to when building the product. A good product designer will provide you with a design system or style guide that makes it easier for developers to implement the design correctly.

How Long Does It Take To Design a Product?

The time it takes to design a product can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the project, the scope of work and the availability of resources. However, it is important to note that designing a product is not a one-time event but an iterative process that involves multiple stages.

The product design process typically includes steps such as understanding business goals, conducting user research, creating wireframes and prototypes, visual design and testing. Each of these stages requires time and effort to ensure a well-designed and user-centric product.

While it is difficult to provide an exact timeframe for designing a product, it is advisable to work closely with the product designer to establish a realistic timeline based on the project requirements. Factors such as the level of detail needed, the number of revisions and the availability of resources will influence the overall timeline.

It is important to allocate sufficient time for each stage of the design process to ensure that the product is thoroughly researched, tested and refined. Rushing the design process may result in a subpar product that does not meet user expectations.

The time required to design a product can vary depending on various factors. It is essential to collaborate closely with the product designer to establish a realistic timeline that allows for comprehensive research, testing and refinement.


A product designer significantly contributes to the success of a product by utilizing their design expertise and problem-solving abilities. They give priority to user needs and preferences, address intricate challenges and develop designs that focus on enhancing the user experience.

Hiring a product designer can lead to increased market competitiveness, improved ROI and a user-centered approach. When looking for a product designer, it is important to consider their design thinking abilities, user-centric mindset, strong communication skills, technical proficiency, portfolio and experience.

The decision to hire a dedicated full-time designer or a freelancer depends on specific needs and circumstances. There are multiple options to explore in order to find a product designer, including online freelance platforms, design communities, industry events and referrals.

The cost of product design depends on factors such as the complexity of the product and the scope of the project and it is important to carefully consider the budget and value of good design.

Deliverables from a product designer include user research findings, wireframes and prototypes, visual design elements and a design system or style guide.

The time it takes to design a product varies based on factors such as the project's complexity and scope and it is important to allocate sufficient time for thorough research, testing and refinement.

Overall, hiring a skilled product designer and collaborating with them throughout the design process can greatly contribute to the success of a product.